I have always been one of those people who love fluffy toys. I have a large collection of them in my room at home, and even when I moved to Grahamstown, I kept a few of my favourites on top of my computer in my residence and in a corner of my bookshelf in my digs. I am NOT one of those people who piles them on her bed and then takes them off every night - I am not nearly neat enough for that. I just like having them nearby. Looking at them makes me smile. I came to Korea with three of my favourites - Fudgie the dog was given to me as a ten-month (or so) anniversary gift, my Love teddy bear followed the next month for Valentines and my sister brought me my crab from one of her trips in America. While I have been here, my collection has grown to include some cats, a weird thing that I cannot possibly put a name or species to and a blue heart given to me by Patrick who is obsessed with the crane games. I had a photo shoot with them all yesterday, and the photo of the day is the best of the lot. Enjoy.
Shutter speed: 1/10
Aperture: f/4.5
ISO: 125
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